

Sight Reading

In order to become a professional musician, one must learn the art of sight reading, allowing the musician to learn music and play it immediately. I have seen people who, when playing, is impossible to tell whether, they mastered the piece or if they just are sight reading. Of course,


Group Size

I’ve always been pondering about this. What is the best group size? The smaller the group size, the more “anti-social” people label you as, and the bigger the group size, the more chaos and probability increase that you aren’t having a great time. So here are my thoughts on group


My Ideal Backpack

Had a choice on what I could bring to school (and a lot of money), I would only need to put three things inside my backpack and it would help the environment (on going paperless, not so much on electricity). My Computer Okay,  My computer is awesome.  I can surf the


School Swim Team Bonding…

Our school coach really wanted our team to be closely bonded, but its a far from becoming reality. As a club swimmer,  in order to do well, I have to work hard every single day for a long period of time. It is a big commitment, and literally is my


My Answer to the Wine Problem

If you haven’t tried the problem, I suggest you try it first!   You are a day away from your grand opening of an restaurant. There are 1000 bottles of wine, one of which contains poison, which kills the drunkee (technical term) the very next day. You have 10 lab rats


The Wine Problem

You are a day away from your grand opening of an restaurant. There are 1000 bottles of wine, one of which contains poison, which kills the drunkee (technical term) the very next day. You have 10 lab rats that you can test as many wines on them as possible. How


Why I love Algebra

Algebra is awesome. Pure awesomeness, it makes everyday things so much easier and I love it! But it has some flaws (which get fixed in Calculus), dealing with infinite series and zero.   But these do allow us to make some funny equations. Classic: 1 = 2 But (hopefully) everyone

Swimming, Thoughts

Tips for the 200 Fly

Swimming butterfly is hard, and uses up a lot of strength to finish, and the 200 is the most brutal (because it’s the longest). Here’s the stuff I learned trying to master the 200 fly: Butterfly is cruel, as you get tired, your technique starts to melt. Your hips start


Learning Languages

Learning new languages is awesome, it allows you to communicate with more people, allowing you to get a better understanding of the whole world. But I really don’t like the way schools teach new languages. In our school, I took Spanish. At first, my teacher focused on written words, and



My future career was very clear to me when I was very young, to become a police officer. You seemed to hold a lot of respect, take out the bad guys, and wear awesome hats. But now, being pushed into the ‘real’ world, where everything that happens get put into

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